Threads of Life

Luck is the gold of Fools,
For when things do not go
the way the of the fools wantings
it is bad luck.
When things go well to the fools desires,
it is good luck.
Luck is an excuse that
people make to justify their existence when
they have no true spiritual base,
or have lost the way.
Luck is the sibling of coincidence.
Learn to see the patterns of your wyrd,
and you will not have to rely on the vices
of luck and coincidence,
and can live by synchronicity which is to follow
the pattern of your life.
If your life doth not please you,
change the pattern
and when this life is done
you will have a most beautiful
The Wolf and The Raven
The nights sat long and dark upon my soul,
and I oft wondered why I stayed so cold,
so lonely, though by my friends I was surrounded.
I was emptiness embodied, with grief I was flooded.
I heard a sound and turned to look- a man on a charger,
With sword held ready- a knight in shining armor!
I beckoned to him, and as he came forward to greet me,
I was captivated by his eyes, wild weary, and free
I did not notice at first his wounds and scars,
Only a fae light dancing like fireflies beneath the stars.
I saw his steed was tired, thirsty, and ungroomed,
yet docile and magnificent this beast still loomed.
The knight dismounted, it was then that I noticed
that his armor was dented and dirty, ropes bound his wrists.
But his eyes still shone with fire, his manner light,
Whatever battle he'd been in, his spirit still burned bright.
He told me his adventures as the days quickly passed,
And every night I tended to his wounds, mending fast
I groomed his horse, built his new armor,and sharpened his blade,
Dreading the day he'd say farewell, and into the twilight fade.
Then one day he appeared, leading a new horse, smaller than before,
He handed the reins to me, and smiled like ne'er before.
"Wolf-woman, I've many battles yet to fight," he said gravely,
"But I need you by my side, my love, won't you come with me?"
And so we travel, the wolf and the raven, side-by-side,
Fighting our battles together, and into the moonlight fade.
C2001 Ulfmar
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